18 Feb 2022 • 2 minute read

Bringing Zebra Scanners to The vivenu Platform

Event Operations
Blue ticket graphic with vivenu logo and text "Zebra scanner" with zebra print barcode

Today, we are excited to announce that Zebra scanners are coming to the vivenu platform.

The Zebra handheld scanning devices are super reliable and extremely quick. With exceptional endurance from long-lasting batteries, they are ideally suited for scanning tens of thousands of tickets in rapid succession.

Building out integrations to other best-of-breed guest management tools is an integral part of our long-term mission: It means to equip organizers with the best services and applications – all on the vivenu platform.

Extending our platform to Zebra’s scanners is part of that commitment. Zebra’s devices are already in use by thousands of sophisticated organizers who value them for their dependability, ruggedness, processing speed, and long battery life.

With Zebra scanners on the vivenu platform, organizers reap the benefits of our sophisticated analytics and real-time data – all while continuing to work with their established device infrastructure.

How to Set Them Up

With the latest version of the vivenu Event Manager app out on the Google Play Store, organizers on vivenu can now easily set up their existing Zebra devices running the Android operating system on vivenu.

To find out how vivenu can make your existing infrastructure more powerful with cutting-edge technologies, visit vivenu.com/contact and schedule a meeting with one of our experts.

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